Les accessoires indispensables pour votre feu de cheminée

Chenets de cheminée de tous style et de haute qualité.

En contact direct avec le feu, nos chenets sont fabriqués avec des matériaux qui résistent aux hautes températures et au temps.

N'hésitez pas à nous demandez conseil ou plus d'information, notamment sur les dimensions.

Contacter Atre Design

  • (4.3080ms) SELECT * FROM parameter order by name asc
  • (0.6130ms) SELECT * FROM book WHERE id=5654 LIMIT 1
  • (0.5380ms) SELECT * FROM book_cat WHERE id=42 LIMIT 1
  • (0.6930ms) SELECT * FROM book_cat WHERE id=41 LIMIT 1
  • (0.5940ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=1 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.4770ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=36 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5240ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=11 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.4910ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=56 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (1.2510ms) SELECT * FROM article WHERE code='COMMUNICATION' LIMIT 1
  • (0.6270ms) SELECT * FROM communication WHERE isAvailable=1 order by position ASC LIMIT 3
  • (1.0250ms) UPDATE communication SET hits=(hits+1) WHERE id=1
  • (0.6110ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=2 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5360ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=3 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5160ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=4 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.7550ms) SELECT * FROM article WHERE code='FOOTER_TEXT' LIMIT 1